Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How to recharge AEDC prepaid meter online

How to recharge Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) Prepaid meter Online.

How to recharge AEDC prepaid meter online

Asides from water and air, electricity in today's world has become a basic necessity in both our personal homes and businesses.

Kudos to technology as it has made it easier for us to access electricity unlike in the medieval ages , today one could easily pay electricity bills from the comfort of his/her home.

With prepaid meters, you can easily and comfortably purchase tokens through the internet from your specified electricity company to recharge your prepaid meters instead of visiting the office to make payments.

Well! In this article, I will be showing you several methods of recharging your AEDC prepaid meter online which definitely has benefits which include; elimination of transportation cost, saves time and easier to access. All you need is your Debit card, any smartphone with internet access and your prepaid meter number.

How To Recharge AEDC Prepaid Meter Online Via VTPass.

  • Register an account with VTPass using the:
  • After Registration, Go to section which says "What do you want to do" Select, Pay Electricity bills Choose AEDC - Abuja Electricity Distribution and click on the "GO" button. 
  • A new window appears after the page load, displaying options that needs to be filled by you, the options include: Meter type (Choose Prepaid), Meter Number, Phone number, Email Address and Amount you want to recharge with. After filling the options, Click on Continue. 
  • A confirmation page with the customer's name, address, transaction ID and recharge amount will be displayed. 
  • Proceed to choose a payment method which includes: Visa, MasterCard, Verve and Wallet payments After payment, An SMS containing the token will be sent to the number, an email will also be sent for confirmation.

How to Recharge AEDC Prepaid meter online Via Jumia One App.

The Jumia One app is a utility application created by Jumia to make online payments easier. Payment of Utility bills, like electricity bills are not an exception either. 

To use the Jumia One app to recharge your AEDC prepaid meter, simply follow the steps below;

  • Download Jumia One App here Register an account 
  • On the Recharge and Bill Payment section, click on "Electricity" Choose, "Prepaid" for contract type Scroll and Select "AEDC" on the Electricity board section. 
  • Input your Meter number and amount you wish to recharge with. 
  • Click on Proceed to pay. 

Finally, I'm aware that there are several other ways to perform this action, so this article can be updated as often as possible in order to suit your needs and solve your problems. Due to this, the comment section is open for anybody who wishes to contribute or share his/her own idea on how to recharge AEDC prepaid meter online.

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