Saturday, September 7, 2019

how to create a whatsapp group where only admins can post

How to create a whatsapp group where only Administrators can post

WhatsApp Group in Recent Days has become a cluster of Business customers, of that of friends with common goals and attraction.
Most times, this groups are created by the Admin with an aim of information in a specific pattern that would interest the members but others in the group, will also want to capitalize on the group by sharing information that contradicts the Admins aim. In such cases, you might want to adjust the group settings to situations were only Admins can make a message.

How To Set Only Admins Can Message

  • Simply log into your WhatsApp,  
  • Enter into your group you want to make changes 
  • Click on the Vertical dots on the top right corner of the group and click group info 
  • Navigate to group settings Click on Messages, Change from all participants to only admin.
Congratulations, you have successfully set your group to Only Admins can message.H